Stuff you might need to know about Troop 60:
We welcome school-aged girls—typically between the 11 and 18—who meet one of the following criteria:
At least 10 years of age/5th grade on or after March 1
Experience within Scouts having reached Arrow of Light Rank, and are at least 10 years of age
Not yet 18 years of age
All participants will earn their Scout Rank.
Each Scout plans their own advancement and progresses at their own pace, in the following order:
Second Class
First Class
Troop 1602 meets regularly on Tuesdays. Meetings begin at 7:00PM. Please be on time!
Our Scout Hut is located at 2247 Oak Street in Paso Robles. We share the space with other local BSA chapters.
The Troop hosts an annual Tri-Tip Dinner each May. Our Scouts sell tickets for a four-person meal.
Each summer, our Troop also works alongside the City of Paso Robles to coordinate volunteer parking lot attendants during the Mid State Fair.
Any profit goes directly into our treasury to fund troop costs and activities. Donations without purchase are also accepted. We may also include other fundraising opportunities through the year, as discussed during the planning meetings.
Every parent should be willing to volunteer some of their time to work with the trained Leader(s) in an effort to provide quality meetings, but the Scouts are active participants as well.
The Troop is entirely volunteer led. We have many opportunities for parents to be included in their Scout’s experiences. To attend Scouting activities, parents must become registered adults through BSA.
It is optional for parents to remain at the meetings with their Scout(s).
Scoutmaster - Erin Westmorland
There are many adult leaders that support both Troop 60 and Troop 1602. We have many Assistant Scoutmasters, Committee Members, Council Members, and a Charter Organization that keep the troops operational. We also accept any new adults that would like to join a role and complete the enrollment process.
Every uniformed Troop 1602 leader has completed at least three basic training classes. We take creating a youth-safe environment very seriously.
The events and activities are youth-lead. Our Scouts select the activities and plan the weekly meetings. Adults support and help put the activities into action.
Our Troop typically hosts a camping trip once a month.
We host lots of events and activities throughout the year including summer camp, backpacking, camping in National Parks or other special destinations, shooting, rafting, rock climbing, mountain biking, horseback riding, fishing, canoeing, and ziplining. Our Troop members elect which activities we partake in each year and at least once per month, something is scheduled for our Scouts.
You can find the information HERE.
The Cuesta District of the Los Padres Council hosts several camps each year. You will be notified well in advance of these camps to give you ample time to register for these opportunities.